Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 146: Details

I am happy to brag that I have point & clicked my way through another successful Christmas Shopping venture. As the packages are slowly starting to be delivered I am back to focusing on The House. While The Husband is dreaming of crown molding, I am dreaming a little more about the details.

While all of The House is unfinished, there is one room that does not need that much more. That room belongs to The Girls. Here is my wish list:
These would be more for The Oldest so she has a spot to put all of Her things.
It's tough sharing a room with your younger sister.
I know, sheets are a weird thing to have on a wish list but I like them:)The Youngest will be quite upset with the addition of a rug, where will she breakdance now?

Finally, these hooks were just too cute not to include.

On a total side note, I think this is super cool. Now if I could just find a place where I would need something like that.

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