Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And the Fridge Saga Continues

For those of you who have been following this blog from the beginning, most of this may be old news but be sure to read all the way through 'cause the good part is at the end.

For those of you who have not been here since the beginning, here is a little recap.

This is the fridge that belonged to The House when we moved in:

This is the fridge that I dream about but costs way too much money:

This is the fridge we ultimately ended up with which was just fine with us (a hand-me-down from The Husband's Cousin) until.......

....it stopped working and we were back to the beginning.

So what could be worse that a tiny fridge with a left side handle in a kitchen that clearly needs a right side handle (and maybe an ice maker, water filter, more room, etc.)?

Well, last night during dinner, I opened the door to get some more milk for one of The Girls and THE DOOR FELL OFF. You read it right, the door just came right off and I have no idea how it happened.

We fixed it and everything is back to normal except for the fact that we still have a small and ugly fridge.

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